How to choose UPSC Optional Subject for UPSC IAS 2023–2024

3 min readSep 9, 2022


  • Choosing a right Optional subject is a crucial step in your preparation for the UPSC civil services exam. A wrong decision not only costs you a rank but also leaves in you a sense of regret for the rest of your life.

• Aspirants come from diverse academic backgrounds — Agriculture, Arts, , Commerce, Engineering, Law, Literature, Management, Medical Science etc.

• UPSC has given aspirants to choose from an array of 51 optional subjects (26 Literature +25 non literature subjects) based on their interests and academic background.

• It is a common knowledge that many aspirants opt for subjects other than their graduation subjects.

Some Basic criteria (Myth or Reality):

• A scoring optional

• Most popular optional

• Interesting Optional

• Subject with easy availability of study materials like books and notes

• Optional for which one good coaching is available

• Subject with some previous base in graduation or post-graduation

• Optional with the best results in the IAS exam

Let’s analyse each of them — point by point

Scoring Optional:

Most IAS beginners choose an optional simply because it is considered ‘scoring’. Some of the optionals that were considered scoring were Public Administration and Geography.

However, should score be the sole criteria for selecting the Mains optional

•Not really, scores are obtained in all subjects if subjects are understood well and one has conceptual clarity.

Popular Optional

•Optionals that come within this definition are Geography, Public Administration, Sociology, History, Political Science, Philosophy etc.

• These popular optionals account for around 70% of total

• Subjects like Public Administration, Geography, Political Science, Sociology have definite syllabus and can be covered in limited time frame

However popularity has nothing to do with scores

Some facts from Toppers

• Shah Faesal 2010 (Urdu , Public Administration)

• Karthik Adapa 2008 (Zoology and Psychology)

• Mutyala Raju 2007 (Electrical Engineering,Mathematics)

• Mona Pruthi 2006 (English Litt., Sociology)

• 2013 onwards we have only one optional instead of two

Coaching Criteria & Previous background

• Do you need coaching at first place ? — analyse this question

• If there is a good help available it is always better to choose one

• However, coaching will not determine the scores in optional

Previous Background

• Masters in certain subjects — higher level of familiarity

• Many student choose optional accordingly in graduation subjects

• However, make sure one’s understanding and clarity is higher in these subjects with interests

This point again proves that previous base and interest are more important factors in selecting the right optional for IAS than merely popularity or scoring potential.

People who have opted for the most obscure subjects like Literature, Veterinary Science, Mathematics have scored heavily in the Mains

Optional Subject overlap with GS

• Selecting an overlapping optional with General Studies is a good strategy, as the time required to study an optional subject as per GS syllabus can be saved.

• However, this case not universally applicable though

• Never take an optional just for the sole reason of GS overlap.

• Never take an optional just based on advice from coaching institutes.

• Please understand that each and every optional subject is scoring. Due to the scaling effects, some optional might not turn high-scoring in some years, but there is no universal trend or theory

  • Time available,
  • Efforts required
  • Interest in the subject
  • Guidance (both books and mentors)

Optional Subject — Decision Making

• First go through the list of all the optional subjects

• Think of any subject- which generates interest or curiosity (if any)

• Think of GS topics you like more e.g. History, Polity , Governance

• Select list of subjects now — list of 4–5 subjects

• Go through their syllabus and previous years papers (short listed subjects)

• Find some basic material on the subjects and go through them

• See if availability of materials and guidance is available or not

Some basic rules to decide

• Subject should generate curiosity and excite you

• Should not put you to sleep ;)

• Make you think out of the box — can help one expand one’s thought

• Availability of books

• Availability of guidance & coaching

Initially subjects might have certain areas which seems technical but then going forward they will make lot of sense

Answer writing practice can help to hone these skills even further

When we make, let’s make things forever.

Take your decision in peace. Your decision should be wise. Once you decide then just don’t listen to anybody else. Start preparing.

Celebrate Learning :)

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